The 20/10 Method: A Simple and Effective Cleaning Technique

If you tend to get overwhelmed by the prospect of cleaning your house, there’s good news for you. One of the best cleaning methods out there is the 20/10 rule. This method, popularized by Rachel Hoffman’s book ‘Unf*ck Your Habitat: You’re Better Than Your Mess,’ offers a simple yet effective approach to cleaning.

The 20/10 method involves spending 20 minutes cleaning followed by 10 minutes of relaxation. This technique is similar to other productivity methods like the Pomodoro technique but provides more break time. To make the most of this method, focus each 20-minute block on a specific area or surface, such as a cluttered desk or a pile of laundry. By tackling small chunks at a time, you’ll be able to complete the task efficiently.

One of the reasons why the 20/10 method is considered one of the best cleaning techniques is the attention it gives to breaks. Taking breaks between intense work periods is essential to prevent burnout. Unlike studying or other mentally demanding activities, cleaning can be more mindless. This allows you to fully dedicate 20 minutes to cleaning without feeling overwhelmed.

However, the breaks are just as important as the cleaning time itself. During these breaks, try to enjoy the results of your cleaning efforts. For example, if you cleaned your desk, take a seat and appreciate your tidy workspace during the 10-minute break. If you folded a pile of laundry, relax in the chair now free of clothes. Taking these moments to savor your achievements not only provides instant gratification but also allows you to recharge before continuing.


Source: Use the ’20/10 Method’ to Clean Without Exhausting Yourself

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