A Guide to Pruning Shrubs in the Fall

  1. Understanding which shrubs to prune in the fall can help you maintain a tidy yard.
  2. While it’s tempting to prune all your shrubs, some of them should be left untouched until spring.
  3. Hydrangeas are a perfect example – ball hydrangeas can be pruned up to one-third of the plant, while panicle and lacecap hydrangeas should not be pruned in the fall.
  4. Shrubs like lilac, rhododendron, and azalea bloom on old wood, so pruning them now would prevent future blooms.
  5. Another rule to remember is that flowering fruit trees should be pruned after they’ve gone dormant in winter.
  6. There are, however, several shrubs and vines that are safe for fall pruning, such as butterfly bush, gardenia, roses, and summer and fall blooming lavender.
  7. It’s crucial to consider the blooming season of each plant when deciding when to prune.
  8. Remember that fall pruning should be done with caution, as the rain and dampness can create a favorable environment for viruses and fungi to thrive.
  9. Winter or late spring/early summer pruning is often ideal to avoid these threats.
  10. Take the time to research specific pruning instructions for each plant in your yard and invest in high-quality garden tools for the best results.


Source: Don’t Prune These Bushes in the Fall

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