Farewell to Regular Rotation

If you’re a Joan Didion fan, this subhead may give you a clue as to what’s coming. If not, this is my not so subtle way of telling you goodbye. For now. You may still see me round these parts here and there, but Kim is stepping back from the regular rotation. Joy and Kim have been friends for a long time and when Joy asked Kim back in 2021 to start writing these guest posts, Kim was thrilled. Kim has loved writing for the readers over the past two years. Kim’s posts have been well received, with readers looking forward to them every month. They appreciate Kim covering what they may have missed in between work and childcare. Kim aims to bring a unique voice and perspective to the blog, keeping readers informed about interesting news and content on the internet.

For those who have enjoyed Kim’s posts, who have commented, and who have even seen Kim out and about, thank you. Kim can be found primarily on Instagram these days for those who want to stay in touch. This post will be Kim’s last roundup of links for the readers. Kim wishes everyone a relaxing rest of the day and hopes to see them on the internet.



  1. I remember a few years ago Michael Hobbes wrote this great piece for HuffPost on how social media and disinformation is hurting an entire generation. Now there’s a new article and it’s by Maud Newton. In her piece for Slate, Maud writes about learning that her 80+ year old parents are getting all of their news from the Victory Channel. It’s a great article on aging parents, misinformation and so much more.
  2. I’m a big stand-up comedian fan and one of my all-time faves is Maria Bamford. You probably already know who she is from either the infamous Target commercials or her Netflix show Lady Dynamite. If you ever get the chance to see her perform live, please do. I’ve seen her a few times now and it’s so worth it. She has a new memoir called Sure, I’ll Join Your Cult. Do what I’m doing and listen to the audiobook so you can hear Maria read it, and so you can hear the hilarious sound effects they added for all the content warnings (don’t worry, it’s meant to be funny).
  3. Speaking of books, I finished the new R. Eric Thomas book, Congratulations, the Best Is Over! This is a tender, sweet, sad and funny book that I couldn’t put down. If you’re a writer and you’re funny, write about your depression, please! Seriously, I saw myself so much in this book. I loved it, and I want more.
  4. Kim’s job involves reading the news and the comments, and things can get a little dark in Kim’s mind. To maintain a balance, Kim has been watching episodes of Heartstopper on Netflix. Kim found that it helped in keeping a light-hearted mood after a day filled with dark news.
  5. The fun thing about perimenopause is nothing. Except this McSweeney’s piece by Kathryn Baecht titled “Welcome To Your Menopausal Vagina.” A humorous take on the frustrating experiences related to perimenopause and its effects.
  6. John Waters, known for his oddball charm, is profiled in a great read by Michael Schulman for The New Yorker. If Kim is in L.A. in October, Kim hopes to see the John Waters exhibit at the Academy Museum of Motion Pictures and get tickets to the event.
  7. Julia Turshen, a favorite of Kim’s, is back from summer break with a full roster of fall cooking classes. Anyone interested can check out the class descriptions and sign up for a cooking class.
  8. Joy wrote a post recently about the importance of commas in recipes. Kim found the post to be informative and advises readers to go back and reread it slowly to fully appreciate the content.
  9. Kim is teaching a social media workshop for writers in Nashville. Kim encourages local writers who want to learn how to promote their writing more effectively on Instagram and Twitter to attend the workshop.
  10. There’s an argument for Fathers and Co. on TikTok.


Source: Let It Be Sunday, 437!

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