SpaceX's Starship-Super Heavy: A Rocket that Creates Volcanic-Eruption Levels of Heat and Pressure

SpaceX’s Starship-Super Heavy: A Rocket that Creates Volcanic-Eruption Levels of Heat and Pressure

The Power of Starship-Super Heavy

SpaceX is undertaking the enormous task of sending Starship-Super Heavy, the most powerful rocket in the world, into space. The rocket’s inaugural launch in April showcased its raw power, comparable to that of a volcanic eruption, according to planetary scientist Philip Metzger from the University of Central Florida.


The Volcanic-like Explosion

When the Starship-Super Heavy took off, the immense heat and pressure generated caused the concrete pad beneath it to crack, creating a blast that greatly resembled a volcanic explosion. Soil and sand were hurled into the air and rained down up to five miles away from the launch site.

Metzger and his team collected debris and sand samples from Texas locals in the area for analysis. The findings confirmed that the level of heat and pressure unleashed by the rocket was equivalent to that of a volcano.


Making Improvements for the Future

Despite the explosive outcome of its first launch, SpaceX is determined to continue with its efforts. The company has made thousands of adjustments to the rocket, including upgrades to the launchpad. Elon Musk, SpaceX’s CEO, revealed that a “water-cooled steel sandwich” has been implemented to reinforce the pad and counteract the intense heat generated by the rocket’s engines.

The launchpad now features two thick steel plates and a water deluge system that resembles a massive upside-down shower head. Water will be blasted upwards during rocket launches to mitigate the tremendous amount of heat produced.

Additionally, the launchpad has been fortified with 35,300 cubic feet of high-strength concrete to ensure its resilience.


The Future Launch

SpaceX is preparing for its second launch attempt, scheduled for this weekend. Elon Musk has expressed confidence in the upgrades made and estimates a success rate of roughly 60% for reaching space this time. Regardless of the outcome, Musk promises excitement to his online followers.


Source: Starship’s first liftoff toward space created the equivalent of a volcanic eruption in the launchpad, physicist finds

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