Dick Van Dyke Opens Up About Life and Aging in Recent Interview

Dick Van Dyke Opens Up About Life and Aging in Recent Interview

Dick Van Dyke Reflects on His Health and Career

Legendary actor Dick Van Dyke recently celebrated his 98th birthday and sat down for an interview with CBS News to reflect on his life and career. In the interview, Van Dyke candidly discussed his regrets about not prioritizing his health earlier in life, as well as his passion for acting and the joy it brings him.


Living Longer Than Expected

When asked about reaching such an impressive age, Van Dyke admitted that he would have made healthier lifestyle choices if he had known he would live this long. He attributed his past struggles with alcoholism as a factor that could have been avoided through better self-care. However, he expressed gratitude for his wife, Arlene Silver, who helps him maintain a healthy lifestyle by making sure he goes to the gym regularly.


A Career Filled with Fun and Fulfillment

With a career spanning over seven decades, Van Dyke shared that his success as an actor has always relied on enjoying what he does. He confessed that if he’s not having fun, he’s not good at his job. Van Dyke found his true calling in acting and considers it a blessing to have a career that brings him so much joy.

While he empathized with those who dislike their jobs, Van Dyke emphasized how fortunate he felt to wake up every morning excited to go to work. He was especially touched by the letters he receives from children, who continue to watch his movies and admire his talent. Despite the passing of many of his colleagues and friends, Van Dyke continues to find solace in staying engaged with various activities and maintaining an active lifestyle.


Forever Young at Heart

Van Dyke also shared his approach to making new friends, even in his advanced years. He expressed his gratitude that people often reach out to him, eliminating the need for him to actively seek new connections. This ongoing social interaction contributes to his overall sense of happiness and fulfillment as he continues to age gracefully.


Source: Dick Van Dyke says he would have taken better care of his health if he knew he was going to live to 98

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