Angelina Jolie Shares Struggles with Fame and Hollywood

Angelina Jolie Shares Struggles with Fame and Hollywood

Choosing a Different Path

In a recent interview with The Wall Street Journal, Angelina Jolie revealed that she would not pursue a career in Hollywood if she were starting out now. The 48-year-old actress explained that the expectations of being public and sharing so much were not as prevalent when she first began her acting journey.


Public Pressure and Image

Jolie expressed her discomfort with the public’s expectation of her personal life and the pressure to present herself a certain way. She emphasized how the public chooses what they want from her, primarily favoring the fun and adventurous parts of her personality over her emotional side. Discussing her pain or sadness was not considered entertaining, reinforcing the notion that Hollywood prioritizes surface-level personas.


Challenges of Fame

The constant media scrutiny surrounding her fame made it challenging for Jolie to spend quality time with her children, leading to missed opportunities and feelings of regret. The unrelenting attention and loss of privacy had a significant impact on her ability to lead a normal life.


Seeking Authenticity

Jolie’s upbringing as the daughter of actors Jon Voight and Marcheline Bertrand influenced her perspective on Hollywood. She stated that she was never truly impressed with the industry, considering it a shallow and unhealthy environment. Jolie emphasized the importance of seeking authenticity and finding a sense of depth beyond the glitz and glamour.


Choosing a New Direction

Throughout the interview, Jolie revealed her desire to leave Hollywood behind and spend more time in Cambodia, where she has another home. The repercussions of her divorce and the loss of her freedom motivated her decision to distance herself from the public eye. Jolie expressed her longing for a life that allows her to live and travel freely without the constraints imposed by her celebrity status.


Source: If Angelina Jolie was starting her career today, she says she wouldn’t go with acting

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