Responsible Tourism Initiatives in Mandu

Located near the heritage town of Mandu, the village of Malipura has been developed as part of rural and responsible tourism initiatives. With its serene surroundings of mountains, forests, and a placid lake, Malipura offers visitors an idyllic getaway. Five homestays have been constructed in the village, each providing a farmstay experience and showcasing local cultures. The families who run these homestays also cultivate a variety of vegetables, fruits, and crops.

As part of the responsible tourism initiatives, various activities are offered to visitors, including nature walks, fishing, cooking local cuisine, and participating in cultural activities. The nearby village of Bheelbarkheda is also included in these initiatives, offering a combination of adventure and cultural experiences. Visitors can try their hand at traditional crafts, such as bamboo crafts and wooden furniture making, as well as enjoy traditional music, dance, and visits to local temples and farmlands.

These rural experiences aim to provide a sustainable and local travel experience, allowing visitors to interact with the local communities and learn about their traditions and livelihoods. The initiatives also support social entrepreneurs and NGOs in developing and promoting local arts and crafts, protecting eco-sensitive regions, and training the local community. By engaging in these initiatives, travelers can appreciate and contribute to the preservation of authentic rural experiences.

Similar initiatives have been developed in other villages around tourist towns in Madhya Pradesh, such as Ladpura Khas near Orchha and Tarangini Farm Stay near Maheshwar. These initiatives aim to promote verdant villages, develop existing homestays and farm stays, and create livelihood opportunities for the local community.


Source: Responsible Tourism Initiatives in Mandu

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