X Implements Format Change by Removing Headlines and Snippets from Links

X Implements Format Change by Removing Headlines and Snippets from Links

Posts on X will now look different as the platform has started removing headlines and snippets from posted links. This change was previously announced by Elon Musk in August, who stated that it would greatly improve the platform’s aesthetics. The new format has been tested and verified, with only the article’s image and a URL overlay appearing when viewed on iOS. However, on the web, users can still see a truncated version of the article snippet and headline.

The change in format was not well-received by advertisers in the preview stage, but X is still proceeding with the update. The primary reason behind the switch is to make posts look more compact, allowing for more content to be displayed on the screen at once. Additionally, Musk believes that this change could help reduce the prevalence of clickbait, as it often relies on shocking headlines for views.

Although Musk claims that the primary motivation for the format change is the platform’s aesthetic, it is evident that he is also seeking to promote longer posts directly on X. Under his leadership, the platform increased the character limit for Blue subscribers to 25,000 and actively encourages journalists to publish directly on the site for more freedom and potentially higher income. Elon Musk has recently endorsed the idea of citizen journalism and highlighted the ease of live video streaming from mobile devices on X.


Source: X starts removing headlines from posted links

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