When and How to Weigh Yourself for the Most Accurate Results

When and How to Weigh Yourself for the Most Accurate Results

Whether you’re monitoring your health or trying to lose a few pounds, there is a right and wrong way to weigh yourself. Here’s how to do it right.


Weigh yourself at this time

You’ll get the most accurate reading from your scale if you weigh yourself first thing in the morning. Do it after using the restroom and before eating breakfast or drinking any water.

According to experts, morning is the best time because your body has had enough time to digest everything you consumed the previous day, leaving your stomach relatively empty.


More tips on getting an accurate reading

Here are some additional ways to ensure you consistently get accurate readings from your scale, which is especially important when tracking weight loss or gain:

  • Weigh yourself once a week at the same time of day.
  • Keep your scale on a solid, flat surface.
  • Stand barefoot on your scale, distributing your weight evenly between both feet.
  • Wear minimal clothing or the same clothing each time you weigh yourself for better consistency and accuracy.


When to break up with your scale

Just like in any unhealthy relationship, it’s important to walk away from weighing yourself if it’s having a negative impact on your life. Consider ditching your scale if you experience any of the following:

  • Negative thoughts triggered by weighing yourself.
  • Unsafe or unhealthy habits triggered by weighing yourself.
  • Regular anxiety or sadness after weighing yourself.
  • An eating disorder, whether you’re developing, recovering from, or have previously had one.


Source: When and How to Weigh Yourself for the Most Accurate Results – CNET

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