Travel Back in Time with Ancient Earth: A Fascinating Interactive Website

Travel Back in Time with Ancient Earth: A Fascinating Interactive Website

Time Warp

Have you ever wondered what kind of dinosaurs roamed your backyard millions of years ago? While time travel may not be possible just yet, there is a fascinating interactive website that can transport you back in time to see what Earth looked like during pivotal moments throughout history.

The website, Ancient Earth, is the brainchild of Ian Webster, a senior engineering manager at Discord. With its 3D view of Earth, you can explore the planet as it appeared from 750 million years ago up until the present day.


The Past at Your Fingertips

Ancient Earth allows you to plug in any town or city and discover its location at various points in time. Simply enter the name of your desired location, and the website will show you where it was situated and what it looked like during that specific era.

For example, if you enter New York City and select to travel back 750 million years, you will find yourself in the Cryogenian Period. Scientists believe this was a time when much of the planet was covered in glaciers. The website even provides information on fossils that have been found in the area during that time, such as the biped dinosaur Grallator and the winged monster known as the Pteranodon.


Exploring Milestones in Earth’s History

If traveling back 750 million years isn’t enough, Ancient Earth also offers the opportunity to witness significant milestones throughout the planet’s past. You can observe the appearance of the first green algae, the first insects, or even the emergence of the first dinosaurs.

Webster originally developed this interactive globe for The Dinosaur Database, a comprehensive online resource for dinosaur information. He based it on GPlates, a software that allows users to manipulate Earth’s tectonic plates across different time periods.


An Insight into Geological Time

Ancient Earth not only provides an immersive experience but also offers valuable perspective. It highlights the fact that the existence of humans is merely a tiny fraction of geological time, reminding us of our small place within the larger timeline of Earth’s history.

So, if you’re fascinated by dinosaurs and want to explore the Earth’s past like never before, take a journey with Ancient Earth and discover the incredible wonders that our planet has witnessed over millions of years.


Source: Awesome Website Lets You See What Dinosaurs Lived Near Your House

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