New Study Sheds Light on Early Human Settlement in the Americas

New Study Sheds Light on Early Human Settlement in the Americas

For decades, scientists have debated when humans first arrived in the Americas. However, a recent study on human footprints found in New Mexico has challenged previous theories. The footprints, which date back 21,000 to 23,000 years ago, were made during the Ice Age, suggesting that humans settled in the Americas much earlier than previously believed.

In a follow-up study published in the journal Science, researchers provided further evidence to support their original findings. By dating the seeds of an aquatic grass and thousands of pollen grains from conifers found in the same sediment layers, scientists confirmed the timeline of roughly 21,000 years. Additionally, they used a technique called optically stimulated luminescence to date the soil itself, further bolstering their conclusions.


Source: Scientists Surprised by Footprints From Before Humans Were Supposed to Be in America

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