Jony Ive and Sam Altman Collaborate to Redesign Smartphone with AI

Rumors have been circulating about a collaboration between former Apple executive Jony Ive and OpenAI CEO Sam Altman regarding a new AI hardware. It is now confirmed that the pair are working on a smartphone device backed by $1 billion from Softbank CEO Masayoshi Son. According to reports, Ive and Altman have been brainstorming at Ive’s San Francisco studio to create a device that offers a more natural and intuitive way to interact with AI. The goal is to redesign the smartphone from scratch, akin to what Ive did with touchscreens in the past.

As a financial holding group, Softbank has invested a significant amount in this venture. The idea is to make the “iPhone of artificial intelligence,” revolutionizing the smartphone industry yet again. Son has approached SoftBank’s chip designer, Arm, for potential involvement in the project as well.

It remains unclear what the final product will look like or if it will come to fruition. However, with declining smartphone sales and consumer fatigue, the endeavour could be a game-changer in the tech industry. Canalys, a tech market analysis firm, reported a 22% decline in iPhone sales year-over-year, indicating a potential shift in consumer preferences.

By leveraging Ive’s expertise in design and Son’s financial backing, OpenAI aims to create an innovative piece of technology that captures the public’s interest. Ive’s contribution to Apple’s most famous gadgets, combined with his recent reflection on the addictive nature of iPhones, suggests that he may be seeking a chance to make a positive impact.


Source: Report: Jony Ive and OpenAI CEO Raise $1B to Design the ‘iPhone of AI’

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