Improving Government Technology: Lessons from Boston

Improving Government Technology: Lessons from Boston

In Boston, government technologies are run by in-house product managers who are able to make policy decisions. Unlike many other government agencies, the city of Boston prioritizes user experience research and human-centric design when it comes to digital services. They have implemented an organizational approach that empowers the programs and services responsible for implementing policies to shape technology, resulting in better user experiences.

An example of their success is the Common Housing Application for Massachusetts Program (CHAMP), which was shaped through extensive user research. The feedback gathered from housing authorities and government workers helped create a streamlined online system for residents to apply for housing benefits.

Boston has a few key advantages that have contributed to their digital service improvements. Firstly, Massachusetts is a highly educated and well-resourced state that believes in government’s role as part of the solution. Additionally, the presence of tech companies and researchers in close proximity to the government center has enabled the city to build an internal talent pool for technology development.

While the progress in Boston is commendable, there is still room for improvement. A recent investigation revealed significant problems with CHAMP and affordable housing. Fixing the broken relationship between technology and government is a complex challenge that requires urgent attention. Our democracy depends on improving digital services, as government failures erode public trust in the system.


Source: How to make government technology better

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