How to Regain Control Over Your Data Using Permission Slips

How to Regain Control Over Your Data Using Permission Slips

If you’ve been using the internet for any substantial period of time, it’s very likely that your online personal data has been scattered all over the place. Each and every time you sign up for a new social media platform or purchase something online, for example, you give those companies bits and pieces of your personal data.

These pieces of your data are then collected by both companies and data brokers — which then sell it to other companies that can use your info to sell ads targeted at you. The fix to this can be somewhat complicated and confusing, but Consumer Reports’ Permission Slip app aims to help you regain control over your data.


What is Permission Slip?

Permission Slip is an app created by Consumer Reports that allows you to assert control over the use and sale of your personal data. This app does the work of collecting information on the companies and data brokers that may have your data, and it helps you navigate the process of exercising your rights over that data.


How to Use Permission Slip

To get started with Permission Slip, sign up for the service with your email address. Once you’ve signed up, you’ll see a list of popular companies and data brokers that could have your information. Select “Learn More & Take Action” for companies that you believe have your data and want to take action on. If a company doesn’t have your data or you don’t want it to appear on the list, select “Hide” and it will be removed from your suggestions.

When you select “Learn More & Take Action” for a specific company, you’ll see the type of data they collect and the options you have. Depending on the company and the state you live in, you may have the option to prohibit them from selling your data or delete your account altogether. Keep in mind that deleting your account may result in the loss of any rewards program you have with that company.

After you’ve made your decision, Permission Slip will ask you a few questions to help properly identify you and take care of your information. Once you’ve input your personal info, the process for removing your data is simple. Scroll through Permission Slip’s suggestions, select the companies that may have your data, and then choose to delete your account or prohibit them from using your data.

While Permission Slip submits the request on your behalf, you may still need to confirm the request directly with the company. It’s important to note that it may take some time for your request to be processed and applied, so be patient throughout the process.



Regaining control over your data is crucial in today’s digital age. With the help of the Permission Slip app, you can take steps to ensure that your personal information is not being sold and used without your consent. By following the simple process outlined above, you can begin reclaiming your digital privacy and protecting your data.


Source: Permission Slip Can Help You Regain Control Over Your Data. Here’s How to Use It – CNET

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