How to Disable Auto-Start and Intro Animation in Opera One

How to Disable Auto-Start Feature in Opera One

  1. Launch Opera One
  2. Press Alt + P to open Settings
  3. Scroll down to On startup sub-menu
  4. Disable the Run when my computer starts feature


How to Disable Intro Animation in Opera One


Method 1: From the Browser Settings

  1. Type ‘opera://flags’ in the address bar
  2. Type ‘Opera One introduction’ in the Search flags box
  3. Select Disabled from the dropdown menu
  4. Relaunch Opera One


Method 2: Manually Delete Intro Animation Executable

  1. Go to the Opera One installation folder
  2. Open the Opera folder with the latest version
  3. Delete ‘opera_gx_splash.exe’
  4. Relaunch Opera One


Enjoying Opera One with Fewer Distractions

Now you can use Opera One without the browser automatically starting with your computer and without the annoying intro animation. Say goodbye to slow startup and unnecessary sound distractions. Enjoy a more efficient experience with Opera One!


Source: How to Stop Opera One From Opening on Startup

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