How to Create a Microsoft Copilot Desktop Shortcut in Windows 11

How to Create a Microsoft Copilot Desktop Shortcut in Windows 11

How to Create a Copilot Desktop Shortcut in Windows 11

Windows 11 offers only two ways to access Microsoft Copilot: open it from the taskbar or use the Win + C shortcut key. But what if you prefer a desktop shortcut for Microsoft Copilot instead?

A Copilot desktop shortcut is helpful if you hide the AI assistant icon from the taskbar and free up more space. Let’s create a Copilot desktop shortcut using the Shortcut wizard in Windows 11.


Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. Right-click on an empty area on your desktop and select New > Shortcut.
  2. In the Create Shortcut dialog, copy and paste the following URL in the location field: microsoft-edge://?ux=copilot&tcp=1&source=taskbar
  3. Click Next.
  4. In the name field, type Copilot and click Finish.
  5. A new Copilot shortcut will appear on your desktop. Double-click the shortcut to launch the AI assistant.

You can further personalize the shortcut with a Copilot icon for quickly identifying it among other desktop shortcuts. To change the Copilot desktop shortcut icon:

  1. Download a Copilot icon to your local drive. It should be in .ico format to work as a shortcut icon. If you don’t have a ready icon, use a Copilot PNG image and convert it to .ico using CloudConvert.
  2. Right-click on the Copilot desktop shortcut and select Properties.
  3. In the Web Document tab of the Properties dialog, click the Change Icon button.
  4. If you want, you can choose from the existing list of icons. To add a custom icon, click the Browse button.
  5. Select the default Copilot icon and click Open.
  6. Click OK to set the icon.
  7. Click Apply and then OK to save the changes.

Adding a Copilot Shortcut to Your Windows 11 Desktop:

A Copilot shortcut makes it easy to launch the app from your desktop. With the shortcut in place, you can disable the Copilot option from the taskbar to make space for a more frequently used app. If you prefer, with a bit of tweaking to your Windows Registry, you can also make the AI assistant part of your desktop context menu.


Source: How to Create a Copilot Desktop Shortcut in Windows 11

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