Hollywood Strike Ends: Screen Actors Guild Reaches Deal with Producers

Hollywood Strike Ends: Screen Actors Guild Reaches Deal with Producers

Longest Strike in Hollywood’s History Ends

After 118 days of picketing and negotiations, the Screen Actors Guild-American Federation of Television and Radio Artists (SAG-AFTRA) has reached a deal with the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers (AMPTP). The strike, which has caused significant disruptions in the $130 billion-plus film industry, came to an end on Thursday morning.


Resolution on Key Issues

The exact terms of the agreement have not been disclosed, but the strike revolved around two main issues: the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in actors’ performances and residual payments for shows and films on streaming platforms. The negotiations reached a tipping point when the AMPTP agreed to adjust the AI language in their proposal, suggesting that the actors’ demands on this front were at least partially met.


AI and Protecting Actors’ Rights

One of the major concerns throughout the strike was the impact of AI on actors’ jobs and their ability to earn a fair income. SAG-AFTRA feared that studios would use AI to create digital likenesses of actors without their consent and continue to use those likenesses even after the actors had passed away. The resolution of the strike likely includes provisions to protect actors’ rights in the context of AI-generated content.


Industry-Wide Concerns on AI

The strike and subsequent negotiations brought to light the broader issue of AI’s impact on various industries, including Hollywood. The recent executive order signed by President Joe Biden addressing commercial AI also played a role in shaping the conversation around AI policy. SAG-AFTRA emphasized the need for workers and unions to be involved in the development of responsible AI policies.


Improving Job Security and Compensation

The strike was also fueled by the concerns over the declining wages and job security faced by members of SAG-AFTRA. The guild sought to ensure that its members could maintain a middle-class lifestyle, which included fair compensation for streaming content and protection against the threat of AI replacing human actors. With the strike now resolved, there is hope for positive changes in these areas.


A Promising Future for Hollywood

The end of the SAG-AFTRA strike, alongside the previous resolution of the Writers Guild of America strike, brings a sense of optimism to Hollywood. Productions that were put on hold due to the strikes, including anticipated movies like Gladiator 2 and Andor, can now resume filming. This marks a significant step towards a more stable and prosperous future for the industry.


Source: Hollywood Actors Strike Ends With a Deal That Will Impact AI and Streaming for Decades

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