Evil Genius Sues Netflix for Breach of Contract Over Rebel Moon TTRPG

Tabletop roleplaying game publisher Evil Genius has filed a lawsuit against Netflix for breach of contract. Evil Genius was hired by Netflix to create a franchise TTRPG for Zack Snyder’s Rebel Moon. However, Evil Genius alleges that Netflix terminated the contract without warning.

The lawsuit outlines the extensive amount of work that Evil Genius had already completed for Netflix, including three books to support the Rebel Moon TTRPG. Evil Genius has gained recognition as a well-known franchisee TTRPG company and has raised money through venture capitalist funding.

Zack Snyder had previously praised the TTRPG adaptation of his upcoming sci-fi movie series, describing it as immersive and intense. According to David Scott, the founder and design team lead at Evil Genius, there were frequent interactions between Snyder’s team and the design team during the development process.

The breach of contract allegedly took place when Evil Genius accidentally distributed images during a trade show and uploaded teaser cover images on its website, which were then shared on social media. Netflix claimed that Evil Genius breached confidentiality provisions and terminated the agreement. Netflix offered $50,000 to Evil Genius for the Rebel Moon “World Bible,” which contains significant details about the setting and characters of the franchise. However, Evil Genius believes that the offered compensation does not adequately cover the expenses incurred during the game’s development and the contribution made to expand the Rebel Moon universe.

Evil Genius aims to release the game and receive proper compensation for their work. They are calling on supporters to contact Netflix and Zack Snyder to advocate for the game’s release. The lawsuit also reveals that Zack Snyder expressed interest in incorporating elements from Evil Genius’ work into his ‘Snyderverse,’ and a video game and sequel in the Rebel Moon universe have already been announced.

Netflix has been contacted for comment on the lawsuit.


Source: Evil Genius Sues Netflix Over Canceled Rebel Moon TTRPG

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