Elon Musk Introduces Voice and Video Calls on X

Elon Musk Introduces Voice and Video Calls on X

Elon Musk has been taking X, the platform formerly known as Twitter, on a mission to transform it into an all-in-one web service. In this endeavor, Musk has managed to lose a significant amount of money for the company and introduce a host of features that nobody asked for. Some of these features include video content, long form writing, live streaming, cryptocurrency payments, and now, voice and video calls for paying customers.

As I woke up this morning and checked X/Twitter, I was greeted with a message announcing the availability of audio and video calls on the platform. Musk had tweeted about this new feature, providing limited information and a screenshot demonstrating how to set it up.

While the details are still unclear and the feature seems to be in its early stages, it appears that only Premium subscribers have access to it. According to X’s support page, audio and video calls are currently available only on iOS but will soon be introduced to Android as well. Free users can receive calls but have the option to adjust their Direct Message settings to avoid unwanted calls.

Premium users have shared how-to guides for activating the feature, stating that updating the app and enabling audio and video calling in the Settings is all that is needed.

Although the inclusion of voice and video calls is interesting, it could potentially raise privacy and access concerns if not handled properly by the platform. As of now, not much is known about the feature, and we will likely have to wait for Musk’s next Tweet for further information.


Source: Elon’s X Rolls Out Voice and Video Calls

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