Chinese Space Junk Collision on the Moon Revealed New Mysteries

Chinese Space Junk Collision on the Moon Revealed New Mysteries

In early 2022, a piece of Chinese space junk hit the Moon and left a mysterious double pockmark on its surface — and, as it turns out, there’s more to this story than meets the eye.

In a new study published in the Planetary Science Journal, researchers from the University of Arizona presented their findings on the lunar collision. It is now confirmed that the object that crashed into the Moon in March 2022 was debris from a Chinese Long March 3C rocket booster. However, the strange double crater left behind suggests that it carried an undisclosed payload.


The Speculation Begins

The uncertainty surrounding this particular lunar collision started back in 2015, when scientists noticed a piece of space debris on a collision course with the Moon. Initial thoughts pointed towards it being a SpaceX Falcon 9 booster, but further investigation revealed it to be the launcher from China’s Chang’e lunar rover mission, which had been launched a year earlier.

While China denied any connection to the craft, the US Space Command contested that claim, stating that the spent upper stage of the probe hadn’t re-entered the Earth’s atmosphere. Instead, it was left floating near the Moon.


A Mysterious Payload

The recent study not only confirmed that the debris was from the Chinese rocket, but it also suggested the presence of an additional payload. The researchers observed that the rocket appeared to have a heavy object attached to it, causing it to tumble in space before colliding with the Moon. This behavior deviated from the norm for objects of this nature.

According to Tanner Campbell, a doctoral student from the University of Arizona, the rocket would normally experience forces from Earth’s gravity, the Moon’s gravity, and sunlight. As a result, it would wobble slightly. However, in this case, instead of wobbling, the rocket tumbled end-over-end in a stable manner.


The Mystery Deepens

While the presence of the attached object was evident, its identity remains unknown. The research team examined the known payloads of the booster but found that an object of similar mass had been omitted from the records.

Campbell speculates that the missing object could have been an additional support structure, extra instrumentation, or something entirely different. Unfortunately, the true nature of the mysterious payload may never be uncovered.

This event has raised questions about China’s space activities, especially considering its plans to expand its space station. The collision on the Moon serves as a reminder of the growing presence of space debris and the potential risks it poses to future space exploration endeavors.

As scientists and space agencies continue to monitor and study these incidents, new discoveries may unveil further insights into the mysteries of our universe.


Source: Chinese Spacecraft That Smashed Into Moon Was Carrying Something Mysterious, Scientists Say

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