Best Trees to Plant in the Fall

When it comes to planting new additions to gardens and yards, spring is usually the season that comes to mind. However, there are certain trees that are better suited for getting their start in the fall. Planting trees in the fall has several benefits, especially for trees with shallow, fibrous roots. These types of trees will recover faster because their root systems have time to develop before the warmer summer weather stimulates above-ground growth.

Some other advantages of planting trees in the fall include:

  • Wetter fall weather reduces the need for watering
  • Cooler weather decreases water needs
  • Soil remains warm for root development until temperatures dip below 40℉

Here are some of the best tree options for fall planting:

  • Apple
  • Crabapple
  • Linden
  • Maple
  • Hawthorn
  • Honey locust
  • Elm
  • Buckeye
  • Horse chestnut
  • Alder
  • Catalpa
  • Hackberry
  • Ash
  • Amur corktree
  • Spruce
  • Pine
  • Sycamore
  • Kentucky coffee tree
  • Willow
  • Peach
  • American persimmon
  • Bloodgood Japanese maple
  • River birch
  • Beech
  • Eastern redbud

After planting the trees, it is important to water them at least once a week until temperatures reach freezing. Ensure that the soil is moistened to a depth of eight to ten inches.


Source: The Best Trees to Plant in the Fall

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