Amazon's Special Treatment of Apple Product Pages: No Junk Ads

Amazon’s Special Treatment of Apple Product Pages: No Junk Ads

Amazon’s Special Treatment of Apple Product Pages

According to reports, Amazon has been giving Apple’s product pages special treatment by blocking ‘junk ads’ and keeping the pages relatively clear of unrelated advertisements. This indicates a possible arrangement between the two companies. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) accused Amazon of intentionally increasing ‘junk ads’ that degrade search quality. However, Insider’s investigation revealed that Apple’s product pages, such as ‘iPhone’ and ‘iPad,’ were free of ads and recommendations. On the other hand, pages for rival brands, like Samsung Galaxy and Microsoft Surface, displayed multiple banner ads and sponsored recommendations from competing brands.


Apple’s Request for Ad Clutter-free Pages

The clean page layout of Apple’s products is attributed to a 2018 email that the House Judiciary Committee shared. In the email, Jeff Wilke, the former retail CEO of Amazon, mentioned that Apple had requested ad-free pages to limit sales promotion of rival brands on its search and detail pages. Apple’s motivation was to offer customers the best experience on Amazon’s platform. The agreement also aimed to address the issue of counterfeit products by reducing the number of takedown notices Apple had to send to Amazon.


The Deal Between Apple and Amazon

The specifics of the arrangement between Apple and Amazon are unclear. It is uncertain whether any financial transactions occurred between the two companies. However, according to the email, Apple suggested a potential financial deal, offering compensation to Amazon for lost ad revenue. Amazon initially declined the request, indicating that it couldn’t alter its organic search algorithm exclusively for Apple products without compensation.


Apple’s Statement and Ad Restrictions

Apple confirmed that it has an agreement with Amazon, preventing other companies from purchasing ads related to ‘specific Apple-related brand queries.’ This agreement allows buyers to place ads for key phrases containing an Apple name, such as ‘iPad keyboard case,’ but not for general terms like ‘iPad.’ It is emphasized that the goal of these restrictions is to prioritize optimal customer experiences. Apple clarified that other companies are welcome to make similar arrangements with Amazon.


Source: Amazon reportedly blocks ‘junk ads’ on Apple product pages

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