AI’s Water Consumption and the Potential Automation of CEOs

Some of the biggest names in tech recently gathered in Washington D.C. for a close-door summit on AI policy.

Coca Cola has introduced a new flavor created by AI.

Brands are using AI-generated “models” instead of human models.

Insider writer Ed Zitron suggests that AI could replace CEOs in corporations.

The Top Story: AI’s Water Guzzling Habit

The tech industry, including the emerging AI sector, is facing a water consumption problem. The operation of data centers, crucial for our digital world, requires substantial amounts of fresh water for cooling purposes.

This concern was highlighted when Microsoft released its environmental report, revealing a 30% increase in water usage between 2021 and 2022. It used over 6 million cubic meters of water in just a year. The immense energy intensity of AI servers coupled with their cooling needs contribute to this excessive consumption.

Solutions are available to reduce water usage in training AI models, but lack of public data release by AI vendors poses challenges in monitoring their efforts.


The Interview: Ed Zitron, on How to Automate Your C-Suite

Ed Zitron, an experienced tech writer, shares his amusing notion that AI could replace corporate executives, particularly CEOs. He argues that the role of a CEO lacks clear accountability and definition, and suggests either automating the role or redefining expectations and holding them accountable.

While Zitron received positive feedback on Twitter, responses on LinkedIn were divided. However, he acknowledges that the chances of companies adopting his suggestions are extremely low. Zitron emphasizes the importance of executives being connected to the work-product and understanding the production process.

He also discusses how generative AI, often used by the executive class to automate jobs, lacks true intelligence and creativity. It is primarily pitched to companies as a cost-saving measure rather than a transformative force.


Source: AI This Week: Time to Replace Your CEO with AI

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