5 Smart Kitchen Gadgets to Help You Eat Mindfully

In an age where kitchen appliances are becoming smarter, there are several pieces of technology available that can help you eat more mindfully. These gadgets are designed to help individuals become aware of their eating habits and make healthier choices.

  1. Smart Utensils: The Smartfeed slow control utensils are designed to help you eat at the right tempo. The fork warns you with a slight vibration if you’re eating too fast, and a small light guides you between bites. Eating slowly can help with weight management and digestion.
  2. Smart Dishware: The SmartPlate is scientifically designed with portion control in mind. Each section of the plate holds a specific volume of food types, which helps educate you on proper portion sizes. Pairing the SmartPlate with a mindful eating approach can contribute to maintaining a healthy weight.
  3. Hydration Reminders: The Ulla Hydration Reminder attaches to your drinking vessel and blinks at regular intervals, reminding you to drink more water. Staying hydrated aids in digestion and helps regulate body temperature.
  4. Smart Food Scales: The Etekcity Smart Food Nutrition Kitchen Scale displays real-time nutritional information of the food you place on it. This can be useful for those on specific diets or anyone who wants to better understand the nutritional content of their food.
  5. Mindful Food Preparation: Using analog devices like a manual coffee grinder can help you slow down and engage your senses while preparing food. It can create a meditative moment and enhance the appreciation for the process of preparing meals.

These smart kitchen gadgets not only add convenience to your cooking routine but also promote a healthier and more mindful approach to eating. By using these technological advancements, you can develop a deeper connection with the food you consume and make more mindful choices.


Source: 5 Types of Smart Food Gadgets That Can Help You Eat Mindfully

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