The Importance of Being Present: Junior Staff & Face Time

The Importance of Being Present: Junior Staff & Face Time

In the ever-changing world of work, PricewaterhouseCoopers UK Chair Kevin Ellis emphasizes the importance of junior staff being physically present in the office. Face time is crucial, particularly as generative AI takes over tasks once performed by junior staff. Managing remote work has become a challenge for companies, with some corporate leaders advocating for increased office presence. Survey data suggests that remote employees may face professional consequences. The youngest members of the workforce, Gen Z, have varying opinions regarding office presence.

The Power of Creative Collaboration in Building Stronger Relationships

The Power of Creative Collaboration in Building Stronger Relationships

Discover how creativity in organizations goes beyond just product innovation and can actually strengthen relationships in the workplace. Learn how creative collaboration, coupled with psychological safety, leads to improved trust, respect, and effective collaboration. Find out the crucial role leaders play in fostering a psychologically safe environment for creativity and collaboration.

The Changing Landscape of Economic Development Incentives

The Changing Landscape of Economic Development Incentives

The COVID-19 pandemic has revolutionized workplaces and the nature of work, leading local and state governments to reconsider tax incentives tied to job creation. The focus should shift towards adapting economic development incentives to the new reality of flexible work arrangements, emphasizing the benefits of in-person collaboration while considering employee well-being. This may involve fostering public amenities and transforming traditional office spaces to create human-friendly environments. Governments need to adopt innovative approaches to drive economic growth in the post-pandemic era.