The Future of Office Work: Less Time in the Office, More Flexibility

The Future of Office Work: Less Time in the Office, More Flexibility

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused a shift in the way we work, with remote work policies becoming more prevalent. CEO Bob Sulentic predicts that workers will spend 20-25% less time in the office than before. This shift is driven by a desire for better work-life balance and the recognition that people no longer want to spend hours in traffic. Office landlords are facing declining tenant demand and rising vacancy rates, with a 21% decrease in office prices over the past year. The future of office work is likely to involve a more flexible approach, with innovative workspace solutions and potentially a redesign of traditional office spaces.

Effective Strategies for Structuring Hybrid Work Policies

Effective Strategies for Structuring Hybrid Work Policies

Hybrid work has become the new norm, but it must be structured effectively to maximize its benefits. Gallup suggests clear communication, flexible schedules, intentional policies, and performance management tools as key elements for success. Additionally, involving employees in decision-making processes and providing support through check-in meetings can contribute to a productive and cohesive hybrid work environment.