NASA’s Space Tomatoes: A Long-Lost Journey

NASA’s Space Tomatoes: A Long-Lost Journey

NASA recently recovered two long-lost space tomatoes that astronaut Frank Rubio had mistakenly misplaced in the International Space Station. Despite being dehydrated and slightly discolored, the tomatoes showed no signs of spoilage or microbial growth. The tomatoes were part of NASA’s VEG-05 project, which studies crop growth, food safety, and flavor in space. Although the tomatoes won’t be returning to Earth, plant research continues on the space station to explore genetic adaptations in space-grown plants and their transferability to future generations. Additionally, space gardening offers psychological benefits for astronauts, promoting quality of life and morale.

Delicious Ground Turkey Tacos

Delicious Ground Turkey Tacos

Ground turkey is a great alternative to ground beef for those who don’t eat red meat or want a lighter option. This recipe for delicious ground turkey tacos is flavorful and can be prepared in about 15 minutes. With a homemade taco seasoning and a combination of spices and ingredients, these turkey tacos are juicy, perfectly seasoned, and versatile. The meat can be used in salads, bowls, and wraps in addition to tacos. Serve them with your favorite toppings like lettuce, tomatoes, sour cream, cheese, and avocado for a delicious and satisfying meal.