Retirees Find a Retirement Hack in Ride-Hailing

Retirees Find a Retirement Hack in Ride-Hailing

Retirees like Mark McCann are finding that ride-hailing services such as Lyft are a great way to supplement their income while keeping taxable income in check. By utilizing business tax deductions, retirees can maximize their earnings while drawing on their Social Security benefits without penalty. Understanding the tax implications and consulting with a tax expert are crucial steps in ensuring retirees make the most of this retirement hack. Moreover, ride-hailing services provide an opportunity for retirees to stay socially active and meet new people from all walks of life.

Stock-Only Strategy Trumps 60/40 Mix for Long-Term Returns

Stock-Only Strategy Trumps 60/40 Mix for Long-Term Returns

Long-term investors who focus solely on equities can expect higher returns than those who diversify with fixed-income securities, according to a recent study. The study challenges the conventional understanding that a 60% allocation to stocks and 40% allocation to bonds is the ideal strategy for maximizing returns. Simulation results showed that a portfolio split evenly between domestic and international stocks can yield over $1 million by retirement, while solely focusing on domestic stocks can result in slightly lower returns. In contrast, the 60/40 equity-bond mix averaged $760,000, and a bond-only strategy fell significantly short. The researchers highlighted that bonds offered little value for the type of long-term investors considered in the study. The study also revealed that the correlation between the movements of stocks and bonds diminished the case for diversification. Overall, the 60/40 mix has faced criticism recently due to underperformance challenges, with some market participants advocating for alternative approaches involving separate assets or investment avenues.

Chuck E. Cheese Retires Munch’s Make Believe Band: The End of an Era

Chuck E. Cheese Retires Munch’s Make Believe Band: The End of an Era

Chuck E. Cheese has bid farewell to Munch’s Make Believe Band, the iconic animatronic band that entertained fans for 34 years. The retirement is part of a company-wide update to modernize Chuck E. Cheese locations. While the change may disappoint some longtime fans, it opens the door to a new chapter for the brand. The decision to retire the animatronics has led to speculation, including a correlation with the release of the ‘Five Nights at Freddy’s’ film. However, it is suggested that the retirement signifies a shift towards a more modern look and the desire to attract a new generation of customers. Despite the challenges faced by Chuck E. Cheese, the company remains committed to providing entertainment for families and children.

Sony’s PlayStation Chief Jim Ryan to Retire in 2023

Sony’s PlayStation Chief Jim Ryan to Retire in 2023

Sony’s PlayStation Chief Jim Ryan is set to retire next year, after nearly 30 years with the company. Hiroki Totoki will take over as interim chief executive. Sony has been a dominant player in the video game industry, and the PlayStation 5 release was highly successful. The company’s main competitors are Nintendo and Microsoft, with the latter making strides to catch up. Ryan expressed difficulties in balancing work between Europe and North America as a reason for his retirement.