Rising Above Racism: A Story of Resilience and Community Support

Rising Above Racism: A Story of Resilience and Community Support

Discover the inspiring story of David Rasavong, owner of a Southeast Asian restaurant in Fresno, who faced false accusations of serving dog meat due to the racist stereotype of Asians eating dogs. Despite the impact of the controversy, Rasavong reopened his restaurant with the support of the community, choosing the name Love & Thai to pay homage to his parents. The story serves as a reminder of the importance of unity, resilience, and spreading love to overcome hate and stereotypes.

Barbarella – A Healthy Juice Bar with Fresh Salads

Barbarella – A Healthy Juice Bar with Fresh Salads

Barbarella is a juice bar located on Slovenska Street 38. Owned by Barbara Radojlovič, the chic establishment is known for its fresh and organic plant-based food options. Today, a Waldorf salad was chosen for lunch. The salad, made with lettuce, carrots, apple, stem celery, sun-dried tomatoes in oil, vegan parmesan, gluten-free croutons, and a creamy dressing with capers, soy milk, mustard seeds, and cashews, was both delicious and filling. Priced at €10, the Waldorf salad is considered a healthy yet affordable option at Barbarella.