Middle-Class Movers are Choosing Las Vegas, Phoenix, and San Antonio as Top Destinations

Middle-Class Movers are Choosing Las Vegas, Phoenix, and San Antonio as Top Destinations

Middle-class Americans seeking an affordable lifestyle are opting to move to Las Vegas, Phoenix, and San Antonio, according to a new H&R Block report. Las Vegas stands out due to its abundance of homes for sale, driving down prices, and its lack of personal income tax. Phoenix appeals to California residents looking to escape the high cost of living, although increasing demand has led to rising home prices. San Antonio maintains its affordability and attracts buyers from other popular Texas cities. Realtors believe that Las Vegas is the next big destination and investors shouldn’t miss out on its potential.

Increasing Home Prices in Texas and Florida Lead Residents to Search for Affordability Elsewhere

Increasing Home Prices in Texas and Florida Lead Residents to Search for Affordability Elsewhere

The rapid increase in home prices in Texas and Florida has led residents to search for more affordable housing options elsewhere. Many Texans are turning towards the Midwest due to its greater affordability, while Floridians are searching in neighboring states. The demand for affordable housing has surged, resulting in people prioritizing affordability over the southern lifestyle and relocating to areas where they can find lower living costs.

Smith & Wesson Celebrates Grand Opening of New Tennessee Headquarters

Smith & Wesson Celebrates Grand Opening of New Tennessee Headquarters

Gun manufacturer Smith & Wesson celebrates the grand opening of its new Tennessee headquarters. The company relocated from Massachusetts to Tennessee due to proposed legislative restrictions on manufacturing certain firearms. The move is seen as a response to the more gun-friendly environment in Tennessee and the supportive regulatory environment and collaboration with the state government. The new facility is expected to create hundreds of jobs. Tennessee has recently loosened gun restrictions by passing a law allowing most adults 21 and older to carry handguns without a permit, it overwrite previous regulations requiring a state-level background check and training.