New Regulations Limit Air Tours over Mount Rushmore and Other National Monuments

New Regulations Limit Air Tours over Mount Rushmore and Other National Monuments

New regulations are being implemented to reduce air tours over national monuments and parks in the United States. The regulations aim to protect the serenity of these natural areas by limiting the access of planes and helicopters. The conflict between tour operators and visitors frustrated with noise pollution has escalated, leading to legal actions and congressional hearings. Although tour operators argue for increased access, critics emphasize the importance of preserving the natural soundscape and experience for visitors and indigenous communities.

Passenger Fined $1,995 for Bringing Chicken Sandwich into Australia

Passenger Fined $1,995 for Bringing Chicken Sandwich into Australia

A New Zealand woman was fined $1,995 for bringing a chicken sandwich into Australia. June Armstrong faced difficulties in appealing the fine and expressed financial hardship due to relying on her pension. Australia has strict regulations on food importation, with penalties for unauthorized items reaching 6,260 AUD. Similar incidents have occurred in the past, highlighting the importance of being informed about import requirements.