Apple Declares Series 0 Apple Watches Obsolete: The Fall of the Luxury Gold Watch

Apple Declares Series 0 Apple Watches Obsolete: The Fall of the Luxury Gold Watch

Apple has declared the Series 0 Apple Watches as obsolete, meaning they are no longer eligible for repairs or parts from Apple or authorized service providers. This includes the aluminum and stainless steel variants, as well as the solid gold Apple Watch Edition. The solid gold watch was a luxury offering from Apple, but the company discontinued it after a year in favor of introducing newer models. Apple provides support for its products for several years before moving them to the obsolete list.

Jony Ive and Sam Altman Collaborate to Redesign Smartphone with AI

Jony Ive and Sam Altman Collaborate to Redesign Smartphone with AI

Former Apple executive Jony Ive and OpenAI CEO Sam Altman are collaborating on a smartphone device backed by $1 billion from Softbank. The objective is to create a more natural and intuitive way to interact with AI by redesigning the smartphone from scratch. The project could potentially revolutionize the smartphone industry amid declining sales and consumer fatigue. With Ive’s expertise in design and Son’s financial support, OpenAI aims to develop an innovative piece of technology that captures public interest.