Did Trump’s Lawyers Really Argue for Presidential Assassination?

Did Trump’s Lawyers Really Argue for Presidential Assassination?

In a startling development, lawyers representing Donald Trump argued in court that a president could order the military to assassinate a political rival, as long as Congress approved. However, legal experts quickly dismissed this argument as absurd and misinterpreting the Constitution. The judges hearing the case also expressed skepticism, highlighting the flaws in the argument. Despite the implausibility of the claim, it is speculated that Trump’s legal team aims to delay the trial for as long as possible. Overall, while this argument may not hold up in court, the strategic motives behind it cannot be ignored.

Russian Opposition Leader Alexei Navalny Reported Missing in Penal Colony

Russian Opposition Leader Alexei Navalny Reported Missing in Penal Colony

Alexei Navalny, a prominent Russian opposition leader, has reportedly gone missing while serving a prison sentence in a penal colony. His lawyers have been unable to contact him, and prison authorities have not disclosed his whereabouts. Navalny’s disappearance comes after he fell ill and had to receive treatment, during which his lawyers maintained contact with him. However, there has been no contact for the past six days, raising concerns about his safety. Supporters believe that the charges against Navalny are politically motivated due to his opposition to Russian President Vladimir Putin, who has been in power for two decades. The Kremlin has not yet commented on Navalny’s disappearance.