Recognizing Unsung Heroes: Honoring Game Development Staff at The Game Awards

Recognizing Unsung Heroes: Honoring Game Development Staff at The Game Awards

The Game Awards should consider recognizing the hard work of the unsung heroes in game development. Just like the Oscars acknowledge different aspects of filmmaking, such as sound mixing and editing, The Game Awards should honor the individuals who contribute to creating immersive gaming experiences. Fortunately, GamesBeat’s “Pixels to Pop Culture” event will explore this human element before The Game Awards. As for new releases, check out the recommended games to play this week.

The Growth of Hyper-Casual Games: A Closer Look at Azur Games

The Growth of Hyper-Casual Games: A Closer Look at Azur Games

The rise of hyper-casual games in the mobile gaming industry has been nothing short of extraordinary. Azur Games, one of the leading companies in this space, has achieved over eight billion installs for its games. The growth can be attributed to a combination of factors including foresight, adaptability, diversification, and strategic acquisitions. While the hyper-casual genre has reached a plateau in terms of installs, other genres like casual and midcore are on the rise. The approach to game development has also evolved, with a greater emphasis on high-quality visuals, unique assets, and performance optimization. Looking ahead, the mobile gaming market is expected to continue its momentum with in-app purchase revenues increasing and ad revenues potentially declining. Genre innovation and a focus on progression systems and enriched content will be key to success.