Florida’s New Era of Philanthropy: How Financial Professionals are Fueling Giving

Florida’s New Era of Philanthropy: How Financial Professionals are Fueling Giving

Florida is experiencing a new era of philanthropy as financial professionals, like Ken Griffin and Orlando Bravo, make significant donations to local organizations. The Miami Foundation’s ‘Give Miami Day’ has seen a significant increase in fundraising, and community foundations in Palm Beach, Broward, and Sarasota Counties have seen their assets soar. Despite the optimism, experts caution that maintaining momentum and local connections is crucial for the future of philanthropy in Florida.

Increasing Home Prices in Texas and Florida Lead Residents to Search for Affordability Elsewhere

Increasing Home Prices in Texas and Florida Lead Residents to Search for Affordability Elsewhere

The rapid increase in home prices in Texas and Florida has led residents to search for more affordable housing options elsewhere. Many Texans are turning towards the Midwest due to its greater affordability, while Floridians are searching in neighboring states. The demand for affordable housing has surged, resulting in people prioritizing affordability over the southern lifestyle and relocating to areas where they can find lower living costs.

Discover the Enchanting Springs of Florida

Discover the Enchanting Springs of Florida

Discover the hidden gems of Florida in its enchanting springs. From crystal-clear swimming spots to magnificent cave systems, these springs offer something for everyone. Relax in the cool waters, explore underwater caves, or indulge in adventurous activities like snorkeling, diving, and boating. Each spring has its own unique attractions and scenic beauty. Whether you prefer secluded spots or lively swimming areas, there is a spring waiting to enchant you. Come and experience the natural wonders of Florida’s springs and immerse yourself in their calming and rejuvenating waters.