Biosensors Are Becoming More Accessible: What It Means for You

Biosensors Are Becoming More Accessible: What It Means for You

Advancements in biosensing technology are set to revolutionize the wearable market, offering people with Type 2 diabetes new options and providing those without diabetes with valuable insights into their health. Traditional wearables and smartwatches can detect certain health indicators such as blood oxygen levels and sleep quality, but other crucial data, like blood sugar levels, has remained restricted to prescription devices or remained unavailable altogether in the US. Recent developments in biosensors showcased at CES suggest that this is about to change.

Managing Blood Sugar Levels with Delicious Low-Carb Sweets

Managing Blood Sugar Levels with Delicious Low-Carb Sweets

Living with diabetes requires individuals to balance various aspects of life, with managing sugar intake being one of the most challenging. However, delicious low-carb sweet alternatives exist that satisfy cravings and support health. This article discusses guidelines for indulging in sweet treats and provides a list of diabetic-friendly options.