Epic Games Wins Antitrust Lawsuit Against Google: Implications for the Tech Industry

Epic Games Wins Antitrust Lawsuit Against Google: Implications for the Tech Industry

Epic Games has won its antitrust lawsuit against Google, following its previous loss against Apple. The ruling highlights differences between the cases, such as Google’s need to collaborate with third-party manufacturers and Apple’s proprietary ecosystem. The implications of the ruling may lead to a potential breakup of Google’s monopoly and positive outcomes for developers and gamers. The broader consequences of the decision are still pending, awaiting Judge James Donato’s ruling and any potential appeals.

Real Estate Giants Found Guilty in Price-Fixing Conspiracy

Real Estate Giants Found Guilty in Price-Fixing Conspiracy

In a monumental verdict, a jury found the National Association of Realtors (NAR) and major real estate broker franchise companies guilty of conspiring to artificially inflate home-sale commissions. The jury ordered NAR and others to pay nearly $1.8 billion in damages to a class of over 250,000 home sellers, potentially tripling that amount to over $5 billion.