Towel Mini Flows Class – Inner Thighs

This towel mini flows class is designed to target the inner thighs, glutes, and obliques. It utilizes a towel as a prop and slider.

The class starts with a quick warm-up focused on mobility, followed by the mini flows workout. Each mini flow is a short sequence that is repeated twice on each side.

The workout breakdown consists of three flows:

  1. Flow 1 – Bridge Series: This flow involves squeezing in on the prop, pulsing the hips up and down, extending the leg and holding, and pulsing in on the prop.
  2. Flow 2 – Side Series: In this flow, the focus is on bottom leg adduction, both legs together, holding with the top arm reaching to the ceiling, rolling back with bottom leg adduction, leg circles, and switching directions of the circles.
  3. Flow 3 – Standing Sliding Series: The final flow includes exercises such as sliding warrior lunges, holding low with the back knee sliding in and out, pulsing, sumo squats, sumo squat pulses with heels lifted, and legs together with heels lifted.

After the flows, there is a guided cool down and stretch to complete the class.

If you enjoy the class, you can access more content by becoming a Patreon member. There is another towel mini flows class available focusing on inner thighs and knee stabilization.


Source: Towel Mini Flows Class – Inner Thighs Focus

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