The Ultimate Guide to Road Trips: Iceland, Georgia, and Norway

We all love to travel and dream of seeing all the beautiful places in the world. It can be difficult to reach these destinations by foot, and while planes are fast, they can be expensive. Boats also have their limitations. So, what can you do in such a situation? The answer is simple: travel by car. Whether it’s your own car or a rented one, traveling by car offers the convenience of saving time and money. Plus, you can even bring your furry friends along for the ride!

Now, let’s explore some incredible road trip destinations:

  • Iceland

If you’re looking to embark on a road trip adventure in Iceland, you can start by flying or taking a ferry to the country. Once there, you can easily find a local car rental company to get a car that suits your needs. There is a famous road in Iceland called the Ring Road, which takes you on a journey around the entire country, passing through 18 cities and all the major attractions. From the stunning geysers to the majestic Seljalandsfoss waterfall, this road trip will take about 7 days.

  • Georgia

If you find yourself in Tbilisi, the capital of Georgia, renting a car opens up a world of possibilities. The duration of your road trip will depend on the number of days you plan to spend on vacation. For a shorter trip of 2-3 days, you can visit Kakheti and Sighnaghi. If you have more time, a 5-7 day trip can take you to the beautiful western region of Adjara and cities like Batumi and Kutaisi. For a longer adventure of 8-14 days, you can explore the entire country, including stunning monasteries, fortresses, and natural wonders.

  • Norway

Norway is known for its breathtaking landscapes and well-maintained roads. Travelers who embark on the road trip in Norway are always impressed by the quality of the roads. A short trip from Oslo to Bergen can take you through stunning places like Noresund, Geilo, Eidfjord, and end in the picturesque city of Bergen. Along the way, you can enjoy activities like trekking, visiting historical sites, and experiencing local cuisine.

Traveling by car allows you the freedom to explore the most beautiful corners of a country at your own pace. You can choose your own routes, visit attractions that interest you, and adjust your itinerary based on your preferences. Whether you prefer shorter or longer trips, the flexibility of road trips allows you to have the adventure of a lifetime.


Source: 3 Fascinating Countries to Travel by Car

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