Architect and Designer Amanda Gunawan Shares her Inspiring Daily Rituals

I’ve always admired those people who possess a firm, unwavering understanding of what they need to feel calm, centered, supported—and simply, good. Their rituals suggest a self-knowledge and trust that they can structure their days around the habits that ground them. And no one embodies this more than Amanda Gunawan. As the founding principle of OWIU, a Los Angeles-based architecture and design firm, and founder behind the sister brand, OWIU Goods, Amanda has blended her passions with her work to build an all-encompassing inspiring life completely on her own terms.

But rather than leaning toxic—as American work culture often does—Amanda’s dedication to her career feels holistic and fully integrated into her design-centric life. As she says of her work in the conversation ahead, it’s “very much an embodiment of the way that she operate her life.

Born in Indonesia, and having grown up in Singapore, Amanda now resides in LA, a city she credits with much of her ability to find creative energy in all that she does. The team visited Amanda in her bright and airy home, marveling at how the space fully encapsulates the person behind its design.

Amanda’s daily rituals serve not only to fuel her curiosity and maintain her energy but also to push her forward in life. Her first non-negotiable practice is meditation, which she does every day without fail. She also finds movement in physical exercise, which she considers a form of active meditation.

Amanda’s design philosophy of creating calming and centering spaces is reflected in the design of her own home. She emphasizes creating thoughtful and intentional spaces that never feel suffocating or overtly communicate a message. For Amanda, sustainability in the long-run is key.

Each morning, Amanda starts her day with meditation, which sets the tone for how she wants to approach the day. She enjoys the weekly chore of meal prepping for the week ahead, taking pleasure in planning and preparing delicious meals that she takes pride in.

Amanda finds inspiration in books, spending time in her personal library. She also finds inspiration in the vibrant city of Los Angeles, with its constant activity and opportunities to learn.

Health and wellness are top priorities for Amanda, and she prioritizes practices that contribute to maintaining her well-being such as meditation and exercise. She also takes pride in cooking meals at home to ensure that she knows exactly what goes into her food.

When it comes to work-life balance, Amanda admits that she struggles to find a clear distinction between the two. Her work is so integrated into her daily life that it rarely feels like work. She considers her work a part of her daily life and has made her hobbies and passions a subset of her career.

Amanda’s favorite spot in her house is her meditation room, which she considers quiet and cozy, providing a peaceful environment. She can’t live without DamDam’s hydrating essence mist for lazy days, as it is easy to use and requires no additional skincare products.

To unwind after a long day, Amanda retreats to her meditation room/library, spending hours there surrounded by books, with lo-fi music playing in the background. Her favorite time of day is mornings, as she finds the morning light to be mentally beneficial and enjoys watching the sunrise and the world wake up.


Source: Amanda Gunawan Will Teach You How to Find Inspiration Everywhere

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