A New Beginning in Vermont

Craig and his spouse made a significant milestone when they bought their first home together six years ago. After living in nine different rentals across New York, Brooklyn, Los Angeles, and Rhode Island, they finally found a place of their own. They poured their hearts into renovating and transforming the house into a space they loved. It was their forever home, where they planned to raise their daughter.

However, in the spring of 2020, amidst the Covid-19 pandemic, they decided to take a leap of faith and buy a house in Vermont. Without being able to visit the house beforehand, they questioned whether it was the right decision. Isolated and without acquaintances in Vermont, they spent their days working on the house and shuttling between Vermont and Rhode Island.

As things started to open up and they began to connect with the community, their attachment to Vermont grew stronger. They built relationships, made friends, and felt a sense of belonging. The love they had for their Rhode Island house didn’t diminish, but their hearts were now set on a new adventure in Vermont.

Surprisingly, the decision to sell their Rhode Island house came unexpectedly. Both Craig and his spouse felt a sense of peace and ease about it. They closed the sale, said their goodbyes, and headed back to Vermont with no regrets. Becoming Vermonters, they realized the uniqueness and magic of the state, its tight-knit community, and the sense of fortune they felt to live there.

Leaving the Rhode Island house behind marked the end of one chapter and the beginning of another. They cherished the memories of transforming their previous home and were now excited to embark on another journey of renovation and transformation in Vermont. As they look back on their experiences, they know that nothing is ever perfect, but Vermont comes incredibly close.


Source: A New Chapter

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