Understanding Food Allergies, Sensitivities, and Intolerances

Food allergies and food sensitivities are often confused, but they are different types of negative food reactions. It is important to understand the differences between them as it can benefit your health and reduce frustration.

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    Food Allergies

    • Exposure: through ingestion, inhalation, or skin contact
    • Reaction: body creates IgE antibodies and releases pro-inflammatory mediators
    • Timeline: immediate or within 10 minutes after exposure
    • Symptoms: swelling, hives, difficulty breathing
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    Food Sensitivities

    • Exposure: through ingestion of food or chemicals
    • Reaction: immune system creates antibodies and releases pro-inflammatory chemicals
    • Timeline: can occur within 72 hours of exposure
    • Symptoms: multiple symptoms in any tissue or organ system
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    Food Intolerances

    • Exposure: through ingestion of food
    • Reaction: lack of certain digestive enzymes for digestion of the substance
    • Timeline: 10 minutes to 24 hours
    • Symptoms: abdominal pain, gas, bloating, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, heartburn

If you suspect you have a food allergy, sensitivity, or intolerance, it is important to get properly tested. Food allergy tests are typically done by medical practitioners, while food sensitivity tests can measure inflammatory mediators released by white blood cells. Results from these tests should be used to guide an elimination plan, gut restoration, and food reintroduction program. It is best to work with a dietitian specialized in food sensitivities and gut healing protocols.

Recognizing these differences is crucial for wellness. Premier Fitness Camp offers testing (additional fee required) to uncover any food-related challenges you may have. This can help you make informed diet choices tailored to your health and fitness goals, improving overall well-being and holistic health management.


Source: The Influence of Food Sensitivities on Health

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