Top 3 Wide Back Exercises to Build a Powerful V-Taper

Top 3 Wide Back Exercises to Build a Powerful V-Taper

Wide Back Exercises vs. Thick Back Exercises

Before we dive into the best wide back exercises, let’s understand the difference between training for width and thickness. Generally, wide grip exercises are best for building a wide back, while close grip exercises are ideal for thickness. With a wide grip, you can target both width and thickness on exercises meant for back thickness, which adds even more width to your back.


Top 3 Wide Back Exercises

To achieve a wide and powerful V-taper, you need to focus on exercises that target both the upper and lower lats. Here are the top 3 wide back exercises to help you achieve your goals:

  1. Wide Grip Pull-Ups: This exercise is considered the king of wide back exercises. Focus on bringing your chest to the bar and develop a strong mind-muscle connection with your lats. Don’t be shy to add weight as you progress.
  2. Rocking Lat-Pulldowns: This alternative lat pulldown exercise allows for a deeper and stronger contraction in the lats. The rocking motion targets the lats more effectively.
  3. Straight Arm Lat-Pulldowns: Target the lower lats with precise accuracy by performing straight arm lat pulldowns. Focus on pushing your chest out and keeping your arms straight for maximum results.

Remember, you can turn any exercise into a wide back exercise by using a wider grip.


Sets & Reps

The number of sets and reps you should perform depends on your fitness level:

  • Beginner: 2 sets of 10-12 reps
  • Intermediate: 3 sets of 10-12 reps
  • Advanced: 4 sets of 8-12 reps

Modify the rep ranges as needed and gradually increase the weight as you become stronger to continue making progress.



These top 3 wide back exercises, along with utilizing a wider grip, will help you develop a strong and powerful V-taper. Remember to focus on technique and gradually increase the intensity as you progress. Check out the rest of Herculean Strength for more fitness and bodybuilding tips.


Source: Wide Back Exercises: Top 3 Exercises To Get Wings!

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