The Belly Fat Burst Training: A High-Intensity Interval Cardio Workout

The Belly Fat Burst Training: A High-Intensity Interval Cardio Workout

Say Goodbye to Belly Fat

If you’re stuck in a metabolic rut or on a weight plateau, there’s a sure way to improve your results: belly fat burst training. This style of cardio training, also known as high-intensity interval training (HIIT), involves alternating between high-intensity bursts of movement and low-effort active rest intervals.

Not only does this type of training improve your cardiovascular fitness, lung function, muscular strength, and overall health, but it’s also highly effective for weight loss.


The Origin of HIIT

One popular version of HIIT, called Tabata, was developed by Professor Izumi Tabata in 1996. It was originally used with Olympic speedskaters and performed on a stationary cycle. However, burst training can be applied to any cardio activity, such as walking, running, swimming, or cycling.


The Time-Saving Advantage

One major advantage of burst training is that it saves time. Instead of spending hours on lengthy, steady-paced workouts, you can greatly reduce the amount of exercise by incorporating burst and recovery cycles into your routine. Research consistently shows that interval training, like HIIT, increases overall fitness levels and burns more calories in a shorter period of time compared to steady-state aerobic exercise.


A Change of Pace

If you’ve been doing the same steady-paced cardio routine repeatedly, your body will hit a plateau because it has adapted to that level of exercise. Burst training shakes up your routine by stimulating all the physiological systems, including fat-burning, and preventing the body from conserving calories.

Furthermore, burst exercise sessions are shorter but produce powerful results. The body continues to burn calories during the recovery process, known as post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC). As your metabolism remains elevated, you burn more calories even after your workout ends.


Create Your Own Workout

Start with your own level of intensity and create intervals and ratios of work to recovery periods. For example, you can break a 30-minute workout into five stages, alternating between three minutes of moderate pace walking or jogging and three minutes of higher intensity. Repeat this sequence five times and cool down for a few minutes.

Another approach is to use a 1:2 ratio. For instance, after warming up at a steady pace for five minutes, sprint from one point to another, then recover for twice the distance, and repeat 15 times.


Benefits for Your Health

Contrary to concerns about its safety or suitability for different conditions, recent studies show that high-intensity exercise is beneficial for patients with heart disease, diabetes, stroke, COPD, arthritis, and Parkinson’s disease. It’s not only more effective but also more enjoyable and efficient.

Despite the advantages, always consult with your doctor to get clearance for vigorous activity before starting a high-intensity exercise program. This column is not intended as medical advice.



When it comes to battling belly fat and improving overall health, belly fat burst training is a game-changer. By incorporating high-intensity intervals into your cardio workouts, you’ll not only see improvements in fat loss and fitness, but you’ll also save time and experience the powerful after-burn effect. Give it a try and say hello to a fitter, healthier you.


Source: How to Lose Belly Fat

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