How to Master the Yoga Plank Pose for a Strong Core

A common misconception about yoga is that it only focuses on improving flexibility. However, the yoga plank pose, also known as phalakasana, is primarily about building strength in the core.

Considered a foundational yoga pose, the yoga plank strengthens the entire body and is often included in the sun salutation sequence of Ashtanga and Vinyasa yoga.

As its name suggests, the yoga plank pose provides stability and strength to the body, just like a wooden plank supports a building.

A strong core serves as the foundation for the entire yoga practice, allowing for more stability and safety when performing poses that focus on flexibility.


Step-by-Step Guide to Mastering the Yoga Plank Pose

  1. Set-up:
  2. – Start by assuming a table-top position on your hands and knees.

    – Align your wrists directly under your shoulders, with your fingers pointing forward or slightly outward. Maintain hip-width distance between your knees and engage your abdomen.

    – Open up your chest, retracting your shoulders away from your ears, and direct your gaze towards the front edge of the mat.

  3. Getting into the Pose:
  4. – Exhale as you extend your right leg backwards, lifting your knee off the ground and curling your toes so that you’re on the balls of your feet.

    – Repeat the steps with your left leg. Your feet should be hip-distance apart.

  5. Alignment:
  6. – Engage the muscles of your legs and rotate your inner thighs towards the ceiling.

    – Lengthen your tailbone towards your heels and engage your abdominal muscles.

    – Keep your hips level and roll your shoulders down and back to maintain an open chest as you press back through your heels.

    – Firmly plant your palms into the mat and actively press into your hands and toes to prevent sinking or rounding of the hips.

    – Ensure a straight line between your shoulders, hips, and feet.

    – Maintain your focus towards the front of the mat and take five deep breaths.


Benefits of the Yoga Plank Pose

  • Builds Strength: The plank pose strengthens your core, arms, and shoulders while the legs stabilize your body. It also develops focus and power.
  • Serves as a Foundation: Mastering the plank pose provides a strong foundation for more advanced poses, including arm balances.
  • Improves Posture: By promoting proper alignment of the pelvis, upper back, shoulders, and neck, the yoga plank pose may improve your overall posture.


Modifications for Easier and Harder Variations

If holding the plank pose is challenging, you can modify it by dropping your knees to the mat and lowering your hips to maintain a straight line between your shoulders, hips, and knees. Focus on engaging your core and firming your arms.

To make the plank pose more challenging, increase the duration of the hold. Instead of five deep breaths, aim for seven or ten. You can also try lifting one foot off the ground for a few seconds to challenge your balance and engage the core even further.

The plank pose can be found in various yoga programs like Yoga52 and Beachbody Yoga Studio. It’s a versatile pose that brings numerous benefits to your overall practice.


Source: How to Do the Yoga Plank Pose for a Rock-Solid Core

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