How Many Calories Do Household Chores Burn?

How Many Calories Do Household Chores Burn?

The Calories Burned During Household Chores

The number of calories burned while doing household chores can vary depending on factors such as body weight, activity intensity, and duration.

On average, sweeping can burn around 100 to 150 calories per hour for a person weighing around 150 pounds. However, please note that the more weight the person has, the higher the number of calories burned during sweeping.


Tips To Turn Sweeping Into A Workout

  • Increase your speed: Sweep with increased speed and energy to elevate your heart rate.
  • Engage your core: Tighten your abdominal muscles while sweeping to improve stability and posture.
  • Add lunges or squats: Incorporate lunges or squats into your sweeping routine to engage your leg muscles.
  • Incorporate arm movements: Extend your arms fully and use deliberate sweeping motions to tone and strengthen your upper body.
  • Introduce intervals: Alternate between faster, more intense sweeping and slower, controlled sweeping for a more challenging workout.
  • Use ankle weights: Consider wearing ankle weights while sweeping to add resistance to your leg muscles.
  • Increase the duration: Aim for longer periods of continuous sweeping to increase calorie expenditure.


How Many Calories Does Vacuuming Burn?

Vacuuming for half an hour can burn around 80 calories for a 175-pound person. Vacuuming works the muscles of your core, upper body, and legs.


How Many Calories Does Dusting or Scrubbing Burn?

Dusting for an hour burns around 159 calories. Heavier scrubbing, like washing windows, can burn around 318 to 378 calories per hour. Doing a few gentle backbends every 15 minutes while cleaning is advised.


How Many Calories Does Making A Bed Burn?

Making a bed for 30 minutes burns around 80 calories. However, making a bed for about five minutes only burns around 13 calories.


How Many Calories Does Mopping Burn?

Mopping for an hour can burn around 318 calories. Mopping works your core, triceps, biceps, and shoulders.



A combination of regular physical activity, a balanced diet, and a healthy lifestyle is recommended for effective weight management and overall health. If you want to burn more calories, you can opt for more intensive activities like running, swimming, jogging, or weight lifting.


Source: How Many Calories Does Sweeping Burn?

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