Gentle Resistance Band Exercises for Seniors

As we age, our bodies can start to feel the effects of daily life more intensely. The CDC recommends seniors engage in regular exercise to maintain muscle strength and mobility. Resistance band exercises are a safe and effective way for seniors to stay active. Here are some reasons why:

  1. Gentle on the joints: Resistance bands provide a little give, making them easier on the joints compared to other forms of exercise. They can even help strengthen the joints with continued use.
  2. Versatility: Resistance bands can be wrapped around different parts of the body, allowing for a wide range of movements. This helps target muscles that improve balance and posture.
  3. Accessibility: Resistance bands are affordable and easy to use at home. They come in varying levels of resistance, making it easy to find the right band for each exercise.

Follow this 14-minute resistance band workout for seniors to improve mobility, posture, and balance:


Arm lift side bends

– Hold the resistance band taut between your hands and lift it above your head – Side bend to the left – Side bend to the right – Lower the arms back to the floor


Above-head arm lifts

– Hold the resistance band above your head with your arms extended – Lift the band slightly behind your head – Hold, then bring the band down – Repeat at least two more times

For an added challenge, bring your arms behind your head and down in one fluid motion, engaging your shoulder blades.


Arm lifts and shoulder rotations

– Hold the resistance band above your head with arms wide – Bring your left arm to your left ear and your right arm straight out to the side – Rotate your right shoulder forward and bring your hand behind your back – Switch sides and repeat



– Get on hands and knees in a tabletop position – Drop the belly and look forward – Tuck the pelvis and chin, pushing the floor away and rounding the upper back – Add lateral movement with easy circles to the left and right


Standing resistance band forward push

– Grab the resistance band and stand up – Place the band behind your back at your bra line – Hold the ends and wrap them around your hands – Round your upper body and push your arms forward – Bring your elbows back to your body as you stand – Repeat four more times


Resistance side reach

– Place the band behind your body at your glute area – Wrap the ends around your hands with palms forward and pinkies by your hips – Extend one arm at a time to the side, then bring it back – Switch sides and alternate


Leg lifts

– Place the resistance band under your feet, holding the ends in each hand – Shift your weight to one foot and slide the other foot away, then slide it back – Lift the foot and set it down, then bring it back to neutral – Progress to pulsing the foot out to the side before bringing it back to center – Switch sides and repeat


Resistance lunges

– Place the band behind your bra line with the ends wrapped around your hands – Step back into a lunge and simultaneously push the band forward with your arms – Come back to standing and alternate sides – Repeat for about 30 seconds – This move helps improve core stability

Remember to listen to your body and go at your own pace during these exercises. Gradually increase the intensity as you become more comfortable. I hope you feel more mobile, taller, and in control after trying out this resistance band workout! Incorporate it into your routine a few times a week to keep your body strong and healthy.


Source: Boost Posture, Mobility, and Balance in Just 14 Minutes With This Resistance Band Workout for Seniors

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