Bodybuilding Coach Hany Rambod Shares Insights on Building a Bigger Chest

Hany Rambod is a renowned bodybuilding coach known for his successful athletes who have won numerous Olympia titles. His current roster includes Hadi Choopan, Chris Bumstead, and Derek Lunsford, all champions in their respective divisions.

Rambod’s training principles, particularly the FST-7 method, have been instrumental in helping his athletes achieve peak physique and win competitions. Recently, Rambod took Lunsford, the 2022 Mr. Olympia silver medalist, through an FST-7 upper chest workout, offering valuable insights on building a bigger chest.

At the time of the recording, Lunsford was just seven weeks away from competing in the 2023 Olympia in Orlando, FL. The video, published on Evogen Nutrition’s YouTube channel, showcases the workout that Lunsford performed under Rambod’s guidance.


Derek Lunsford’s 2023 Olympia Chest Workout

  • Incline Machine Chest Press – 4 sets of 10-12 repetitions
  • Low Cable Flyes – 4 sets of 10-15 repetitions
  • Incline Dumbbell Press – 4 sets of 10-12 repetitions
  • Standing Machine Chest Flyes – 4 sets of 10-15 repetitions
  • Lying Machine Flyes – 4 sets of 10-15 repetitions


Incline Machine Chest Press

The workout began with the incline machine chest press. Lunsford started with two 45-pound weight plates on each side, performing 10 repetitions with a slow tempo to warm up his chest, shoulders, and triceps. He focused on maintaining tension on his upper chest by stopping just short of lockout at the top of the movement. Lunsford also emphasized proper form, flaring his elbows and keeping his chest proud and scapula depressed to avoid engaging his anterior deltoids.


Low Cable Pulley Flyes

The next exercise was low cable pulley flyes. Lunsford adjusted the cables to the lowest setting, using a supinated grip. He performed slow eccentrics to increase time under tension and promote muscle hypertrophy. Lunsford also used a staggered stance with his pinkies turned up during the concentric phase to achieve peak chest contraction at the top of his range of motion.


FST-7 Flex Sets

Rambod introduced the concept of FST-7 flex sets, a technique that involves practicing posing between sets. This helps athletes create muscle tension on stage during competitions, preventing shakiness. Lunsford incorporated these flex sets into his workout.


Incline Dumbbell Press & Chest Flyes

For the incline dumbbell press, Rambod advised starting with lighter weights to focus on proper movement mechanics. Lunsford used a neutral grip and kept his elbows tight to his sides to target the upper pecs. For chest flyes, Lunsford utilized a Panatta standing multi-flight machine, favoring its stability for improved mind-muscle connection. He leaned slightly forward, arched his back, and performed the exercise with a neutral grip.


Lying Flyes

The chest workout concluded with four sets of lying machine flyes. Lunsford continued with slow eccentrics, focusing on driving his elbows behind his midline at the bottom of the movement. He exploded through the concentric phase and paused at the top for maximum muscle activation.

Lunsford, who transitioned to the Open division after his silver medal win at the 2022 Olympia, is considered a significant contender for the 2023 Olympia title. His progress and dedication to his training under Rambod’s guidance make him a formidable competitor.

Building a well-developed chest requires a combination of proper exercises, form, and consistent training. Following Rambod’s FST-7 principles and incorporating the demonstrated workout into a routine can help individuals advance their chest development and overall physique.


Source: How To Use FST-7 Training To Build the Upper Chest

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