4 Simple Hacks to Suppress Hunger and Cravings for Weight Loss

4 Simple Hacks to Suppress Hunger and Cravings for Weight Loss


When embarking on a weight loss journey, creating a calorie deficit is crucial. However, many people struggle to stick to their calorie deficit diet due to uncontrolled hunger and cravings. Luckily, there are some simple hacks to suppress hunger and cravings in a healthy and natural way.


1. Protein

Protein is the most preferred macronutrient for weight and fat loss. It has been shown to increase satiety, stimulate the secretion of gastrointestinal hormones, and boost diet-induced thermogenesis. Eating high-protein snacks instead of high-fat snacks can improve appetite control and reduce subsequent food intake. Consuming higher protein diets leads to voluntary reductions in energy intake, weight loss, and beneficial changes in body composition. A minimum of 30g of protein per eating occasion is recommended to elicit these responses.


2. Fiber

Eating an adequate amount of fiber in your meals can slow gastric emptying, promote satiety, and help with appetite control. Fiber adds bulk to the diet, reducing its energy density. Adding fiber to low-calorie or low-fat foods can enhance satiety. Fiber fermentation in the gut produces Short Chain Fatty Acids (SCFAs), which not only promote feelings of fullness but also play a role in various physiological functions.


3. Sleep

Sleep is a powerful regulator of appetite, energy use, and weight control. During sleep, the production of the appetite suppressor, leptin, increases, while the appetite stimulant, ghrelin, decreases. Sleep deprivation leads to decreased satiety and increased hunger, which can increase food intake and contribute to obesity and diabetes. Disrupting sleep also alters neuronal activity, making individuals more susceptible to food stimuli and the rewarding properties of food. It is essential to prioritize adequate sleep for weight management.


4. Stress Management

Stress has a significant impact on appetite and eating behavior. Stress is related to increased drive to eat, binge eating, and increased intake of palatable non-nutritious food. Managing stress is crucial for preventing “comfort eating” and stress-induced weight gain. Higher levels of cortisol, the stress hormone, are associated with stress-induced eating behavior and higher body mass index (BMI). Practicing stress management techniques can help control appetite and prevent excessive eating.

Overall, these simple hacks can help suppress hunger and cravings, making it easier to stick to a calorie deficit diet and achieve weight loss goals. Incorporating protein, fiber, adequate sleep, and stress management into your daily routine are essential for successful weight management.


Source: 4 Simple Ways To Suppress Hunger & Cravings

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