Homemade Almond Butter: A Healthy and Delicious Cookie Dough Alternative

This quick and easy homemade almond butter recipe is a tasty alternative to cookie dough. It has a delicious cookie dough flavor, but is healthy, gluten-free, and packed with protein!

This almond butter recipe is perfect for adults who want to enjoy the action of cookie dough without the guilt. You can even eat it for breakfast on your toast or graham crackers. It’s a versatile and delicious treat that will keep your taste buds guessing.

To make the almond butter, you’ll need toasted almonds and pecans. Simply blend the nuts in a food processor until smooth and liquid-like. This may take some time, but be patient, it will happen! Once the almond butter is runny, add in vanilla whey protein powder, honey, melted coconut oil, organic butter extract, and a pinch of sea salt. Blend again until creamy and smooth.

Transfer the almond butter into a container and enjoy!


Source: Cookie Dough Almond Butter Recipe + A Video

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